Fanver Modded Logo

Mod support is created by the wonderful contributors on the Soartex Modded Github! We encourage you to submit your own textures through a pull request or on the forums. They will automatically be included in the miscellaneous mod packs here on the site. Feel free to request support for a new mod through the forum. The massive universal downloads below include every single mod patch.

Invictus Modded Logo

The Soartex mod support has been in development for several years, and has continually gone through revisions, updates, additions and growth. Due to the large number of mods supported, we have created a patcher and individual mod pack downloads to efficiently distribute the graphics the community makes. Major contributors are Neoboy, Zisko, Goldbattle, artdude543, Shoeboxama, Justin_a, Meara and Scott Killen.

PackVersionSupportsLast UpdatedDownloads
Modded Universalv0.5.01.5.xover 9 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv0.5.01.4.xover 9 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv1.3.51.7.xover 6 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv0.5.01.3.xover 9 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv0.5.01.6.xover 9 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv1.0.01.10.xover 6 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv1.0.01.11.xover 6 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv1.0.11.12.xover 6 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv1.0.01.16.xover 2 years agoDownload
PackVersionSupportsLast UpdatedDownloads
Modded Universalv0.5.01.6.xover 9 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv1.3.51.7.xover 6 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv1.0.01.10.xover 6 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv1.0.01.11.xover 6 years agoDownload
Modded Universalv1.0.01.12.xover 6 years agoDownload